5 Steps to Find Yourself

I feel lost.

Perhaps you needed to be lost so that you can be found...

Sometimes we get so caught up in the things we need to do in life that we forget who we really are. We may have a busy family to run, a business, work, etc. and we spend so much time doing and not enough being. We need to build our "being" muscles.

Similar to working out at the gym to build the muscles in your body, you need to "work out" your being muscles to stay in the present moment. Each time you do something to build your new muscles, you get stronger and stronger. Over time, repetitive actions will lead you to feeling more and more peaceful and in the moment.

Step 1: Awareness
The first step is to be aware of your body, emotions and thoughts.

Are you feeling comfortable in your own skin?

Are there any areas of you that are experiencing pain or discomfort?

What is your breath doing?

How often do you daydream?

How often do you think ahead at what you have coming up?

What do you say to yourself on a regular basis?

Are you angry with yourself when something doesn't go perfectly?

Is your mental chatter gentle when talking to yourself.?


1: a) keep track of all the emotions that you experience on a weekly basis b) make a list of your mental chatter c) is there any pain or discomfort in your body?

Once you are aware, you have a starting place for where you are now.

2. Acknowledge

The next step is to acknowledge where you are right now, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Look over your assignment and see if there are any areas where you played a role in contributing to how you feel. Below are examples for each.

Physical: did you injure yourself by lifting something incorrectly? Are your joints sore because you are carrying too much weight on them from poor diet or exercise patterns? Were you in a rush and slipped and fell down the stairs? Or not paying attention and got in a car accident? There are many things that are not in our control, however, some things are. Look at your physical self and see if there are areas that you can take control of in this moment.

Emotions: do you react immediately or are you able to pause and think about what you want to say? Are you often frustrated and tired? Are you getting upset with your loved ones? When was the last time you took time for yourself?

Thoughts: are your thoughts more on the negative or positive side? How often are you grateful for the things you currently have in life? Do you check out mentally, even when someone's talking to you? How often are you thinking of the future?

Spiritually: are you passionate about what you do? How often do you have fun? How often do you laugh? When do you spend time with those that you love? How grateful are you for the life you have? What is your purpose? Do you have a mission on earth?

Step 3: Take Action

Take action! Information is not power until it is used. Take at look at the areas again, what actions steps to you need to take? How will you create a new version of who you are today?

Step 4: Celebrate

Celebrate your success. Each time you take an action that gets you closer to the you that you want to be, it builds confidence within you.

Step 5: Repeat

If you are tired of always doing the same thing in your life and not sure what your purpose is, visit http://www.neuro-optimization.com. Dr. Amanda Chan is a non-traditional chiropractor practicing Neuro-Optimization in Ottawa, Canada. She helps people find and release physical, emotional, mental and spiritual (purpose) tension patterns in their body.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/9474883